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Photography News
5 posts

Kittiya Pawloski's Controversial Snow Leopard: Is it Fake and Does it Matter?
Kittiya Pawloski's Controversial Snow Leopard - Was she wrong present an image that had no relation to what she actually saw?
Fri Jan 13 2023

iPhone 13: The Best iPhone Camera Yet?
We'll be breaking down how the iPhone 13 has been upgraded from its predecessor, and identifying where the real benefits lie.
Wed Sep 22 2021

15 Most Dangerous Locations for Photojournalists in 2021
For the purpose of determining our own ranking, we've used data from the CPJ (Committee to Protect Journalists)...
Fri Jun 18 2021

Top 20 Most Photographed Locations in the World
Since Apple, Samsung, and Huawei collectively refused our request to send us data on the number of photos...
Sun May 09 2021

15 Reasons Why Every Photographer Needs a Portfolio Website
Investing time, energy, and money into creating your own portfolio website can seem like a big undertaking. While...
Sat Mar 21 2020